Why would you want to do that? It's free.

For an explanation, click on the tab that says, "About." The PMReview has been running for a long time, and now it's free. We have downsized from paying $$$$ per month to a hosting service, PayPal, and Vimeo, to near zero as of August 1, 2023.

I have converted it back to my original "lab notes" when I first wrote it in 1997 so you can enjoy it without charge. It is not nearly as fancy and complex as it was for many years, but it was much easier for me to do it this way than to spend hours, days, weeks, and months working on "fancy." You can go to the "About" button on the front page and get a better idea of what's going on.

I am kind of retired (I look like I ought to be retired). If I get a burst of new energy, I may take the time to fully review the 888 questions, throw out the bad ones and clean it up a little. Before that happens, you can look at the notes and get the program without seeing how nice and professional it used to look. The major benefit has always been explaining the sneaky questions the state can ask.

Spread the word! Gary's free PMReview.

Gary L.
Melbourne, Florida
